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Among the raw materials used in our production, there is also thermoplastic TPE-SEBS-TPV, an elastomer that has the elasticity of rubber.
In addition to optimising conventional machining processes with a remarkable reduction in electricity consuptions, among its advantages, from a green perspective, there is certainly the fact that is recyclable and no waste.
In fact processing waste can be ground and re-introduced into production processes as raw material.
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Plast 2023 the international trade for rubber and plastics.
We as Gimar took part and it was a great opportunity to meet some of our suppliers and to learn future technologies of the rubber sector,
more innovative and sustainable.
Click on the link below to take a look!
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"I believe that water will one day be employed as fuel, that hydrogen and oxygen which constitute it, used singly or together, will furnish an inexhaustible source of heat and light, of an intensity of which coal is not capable.
So, Jules Verne wrote about hydrogen in his novel "The Mysterious Island" in the far 1875.
Gimar s.r.l. takes part to the second edition of HYDROGEN EXPO which takes place in Piacenza.
It is a great occasion to better know and study hydrogen's issue, a developing sector with the aim of using hydrogen as sustainable energy source for the future as as a product of renewable energy.
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On the occasion of National Holidays 25th April and 1st May 2023,
Gimar s.r.l. will be closed starting from 24th April to 1st May included.
All activities will resume regularly on Tuesday 2nd May 2023.
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This week works began on removing the old solar panels.
The new photovoltaic installation will allow us to increase the electricity produced with the aim to be more autonomous for energy needs.
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Yesterday was the 19th National Day of Energy Saving and Sustainable Lifestyles.
Our company has always been committed to promoting energy sensitivity, inviting responsible and moderate consumption of energy.
With rising costs and inflation, saving has become a warning.
Turn off the lights when they it is not needed, put the lid on the pots, lower the temperature of radiators and use the car as little as possible,
these are small feats that each of us can do to save our planet.
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Reaching our website is much easier and faster today.
Scan the QR code below with your phone's camera and click on the link to open the page.
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The month of October is tinged with pink.
In fact we celebrate the World Day of the fight against breast cancer,
disease that is among the first causes of mortality and represents more than 30% of all female cancers.
This is why we remind not only all the women of our staff, but all women, the importance of prevention.
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Gimar S.r.l. has always been careful to the good practice of reuse and recycling.
To support the circular economy, following the principles of the Green Road Map,
a project issued by Unioncamere Emilia-Romagna in collaboration with Qoncert S.r.l.,
our company is committed to reusing and recovering all plastic and paper packagings in the best possible way, giving it a second life.
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In the context of the Green Road Map, a project issued by Unioncamere Emilia-Romagna in collaboration with Qoncert s.r.l.,
Gimar s.r.l. strongly believes in the potential of renewable and sustainable energy.
The photovoltaic system allows us to be partially autonomous for the electricity needs.
To increase the autonomy threshold, further investments have been planned for the next years.
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Our company joins the "Green Road Map" project provided by Unioncamere Emilia-Romagna in collaboration with Qoncert S.r.l..
It is a free consultation for 20 regional manufacturing companies,
in terms of sustainable environmental reorganization/reconversion,
promotion of good environmental practices and initiation of circularity paths.
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"A field remained dormant yields a bountiful harvest"
We take some time to rest and recharge batteries.
See you on september!
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Gimar s.r.l. closing time for the summer holidays from 9 to 29 August 2021. Normal activities will resume on Monday 30 August 2021.
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Gimar s.r.l. has always been a supporter of enduro motorcycling
and is happy to share the enthusiasm and strength that young Italian team has shown during "Six Days 2021" race.
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Gimar s.r.l. will be closed for Christmas Holidays
starting from 24th December to 7th January included.
Normal activities will resume regularly on Monday 10th January 2022.
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Some important phases during the moudling process of grey silicone tops with metal inserts..
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We are pleased to show our first vertical automatic warehouse, a precious support that will help us during end products storage operations, making them more sure and accurate, saving spaces and making loading and unloading processes faster.
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Three years ago we celebrated Gimar's first 40 years.
For the occasion we took the opportunity to appear in the well-known magazine "Platinum" with an article that presented our company,
our products and passion for work, handed down for two generations from a father to his own child.
Nowdays, despite great difficulties due to the economic crisis, the collapse of national and international markets and the current pandemic that has affected the whole world, we can say to look at the future with new and young eyes, aware that we can count on a well-established and trustworthy experience.
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Gimar's items are not applied only in the heating sector, but they are also used in sustainable energy industry.
An example is given by this black silicone part high temperatures resistant, used during solar panels construction.
Gimar always supports green economy in order to get a low energy consuption.
Our factory provides a recent photovoltaic system that make us partially electric energy indipendent.
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Today, the 8th March is Woman's Day.
We send our best wishes to our whole Ladies' Staff and to all Women!
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Today we have a special guest at Gimar.
According to many traditions the vision of a butterfly has always a meaning.
In ancient times, when sailors were used to see a yellow butterfly, they had to be ready against adversities.
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Our fairleads in light blue silicone, available in transparent silicone, too, seen from a different point of view.
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Works have just finished, but the new rooftop between the two factories is still operative, giving wider storage spaces for goods and packagings.
We would thank all people who have collaborated and given their contribution to the building realization, especially to Mr. Cagni, surveyor of Pianello Val Tidone district.
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On Friday, July 27, Gimar expanded its machine fleet, adding a new rubber press, besides 21 ones already operating on the production of rubber and silicone parts.
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On Monday, 3rd August stoneworks operations have been started to built a new awning between two hangars of Gimar.
The new roof, as well as offering a larger repair space for the storage of materials, will have the following functions:
- storage of large packaging (wooden and plastic pallets, pvc chests)
- zone of loading/unloading goods
- material storage area waiting to be processed/finished
Building operations will last about 3 or 4 weeks and they will go on also during the days of Gimar’s closure for summer holidays, in order to not influence and bother normal working activities.